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Benzinga Stocks & Options

Various Methods of Stock Trading

Leading Market Research Platform with Faster News and Analysis for the Retail Trader

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With Education and Trading Alerts from Market Experts


Technical Trading for:

Stocks & ETFs
And More


One Campus Martius – Suite 200
Detroit, MI 48226

Founder: Jason Raznick


Signup for a Two-Week Free Trial To
See How Their Flagship Research Platform Works: Benzinga Pro

See “Benzinga Pro” below for more information –

Special Savings from The Diversified Trader: Use Promo Code “Diversified35” on all regular Benzinga Premium Products for a 35% Discount.

Then Build Your Own Financial Future

Starting Right Here

Benzinga: It’s Where to Start and Where to Prosper

I’ve recommended starting your Wealth Building journey by learning about and Swing Trading Options as one of the Methods to concentrate on in the early stages of your development.  This way you’ll learn about Options, and by extension you’ll also learn about Stocks, ETFs, and Indexes to round out your education.

Benzinga gives you multiple avenues to follow to achieve your goals, no matter where  you start.

The flexibility you have is what I liked about Benzinga’s approach to helping individual traders succeed by showing them how to take control of the process themselves and giving the trader the education and tools to do just that.  Here’s where I’d start:


Advanced Swing Trading Alert Services by the Pros

Here’s where the fun begins in your journey to trading Options for a living or any other goal you have, like Income and growing your wealth.  You can start slowly and grow in your command of the options market and the techniques used by the Pros, so you can put yourself into a position to meet your goals or develop new goals as you become aware of the vast potential of this market.  The Alert Services are progressive in nature, starting with basically two trades per month and increasing your activity and profit potential at each tier as you grow.

Trading Education and Advice on all Alerts Gets You Started.

The third tier (Ultimate) will give you all you need to run your portfolio and meet your short or long-term goals and keep your current lifestyle.  When that view changes and you want to get more involved in your financial future, the Trading Schools and Inner Circles are there waiting to take you to the that next level.

Swing Trade Options on Stocks, ETFs, and Indexes.

This is a great way to take control of your financial future and not be tied to your computer all day.  See below for the trading schools – Benzinga Options School and Benzinga Trading School – that are always available for more in-depth training.

Benzinga Options – Swing Trading Options Alert Services – by Nic Chahine.

Getting Started – Nic’s training videos for those of you new to the world of Options.

Starter Trades – Two trades per month with analysis.

Enhanced Trades – Four trades per month with analysis.

Ultimate Trades – Three plus trades per week with analysis and weekly video recap.

For the Ultimate in Day Trading & Swing Trading Options

Benzinga Options School with Daily Trading Chat Room – Includes Benzinga Pro – by Chris Capre.

For a structured approach for those of you wanting to learn how Options work and how the market insiders look at trading, Chris’s course and trading room are a must.  Concentrating on directional moves and option spread strategies to reduce risk and produce income, Chris’s experience on Wall Street will give you the inside story on what makes the Stock and Options markets work.  With the expertise of someone who’s been there showing the way, you can become an experienced trader in the inner workings of the Options market and be able to trade as you learn for the ultimate confirmation of what your success will look like.

Benzinga Options Inner Circle – Daily Trading & Education Chat Room – by Nic Chahine.

For those with some experience and even those with extensive experience who want to dive right in and start trading, Nic will give you the platform and his expertise to help you trade to the level you would love to achieve.  Option spread strategies, especially Credit Spreads, are some of Nic’s favorite methods used to take advantage of the market in your favor.  The education you get by being in Nic’s trading chat room with other likeminded traders is a game-changer for anyone at any level of experience.  Nic even “guarantees” that you’ll be a better trader for being in his trading room.


More Benzinga Premium Products

The beauty of Benzinga is being able to start slow, on a small scale, and develop into the wealth builder you want to be.  At the same time, Benzinga gives you all the levels of trading you’ll need to succeed at whatever Direction you decide to take.  Planning Basics will give you my general interpretation of the various Directions I’ve used throughout The Diversified Trader.

Market Research

Benzinga Pro – The Fastest News and Best Market Research Platform with Education and Trading Programs specifically designed for the Individual Trader – Including Trading and Market Insight from Anne-Marie Baiynd.

Benzinga Pro is the best Research Platform I’ve found and is made specifically for the individual trader.  If you follow the Stock Market and do any trading at all, Benzinga Pro is a “must have” to improve your market intelligence and keep you on a consistent growth curve.  I like the productivity you get by having everything you need to trade all the markets in one place.  A few of the benefits you’ll find within Benzinga Pro are:

  • A state-of-the-art News Feed, so you always know what news is driving the markets on a real-time basis.
  • Alerts from your personal Watchlists. Monitor your trades and ideas and integrate all the tools to keep the pulse of the market front and center.
  • Trading stocks and options mentorship with Anne-Marie Baiynd. Get 3-7 trades per week.
  • You can even listen to the News on Squawk from 6am to 6pm.
  • Premium Insider’s Report every week for the week ahead
  • Market education and videos every week and much more.

See what you get and how Benzinga Pro can fulfill that critical missing link to your trading success.

Weekly Benzinga Pro Insider Report – Insights for the week ahead with commentary and Trade Setups – by Gianni Di Poce.  Look for the Free introductory offer.


Benzinga Trading School – Learn how to trade the right way with the Daily Trading & Education Chat Room giving you the practical application of your education – Includes Benzinga Pro – by Mark Putrino.

Benzinga Portfolio Management – For the Longer-Term portion of your Wealth Building Plan – The closest we get to Investing.

Benzinga Growth Investor – Long-Term Stock Investing – by Tim Melvin.

Benzinga Stock Picks – Intermediate-Term Trade Alert Services – Aims for 50%+ Returns over a 3-6 Month Timeframe – by Matt Maley.

  • Starter Trades – At least two trades per month with analysis and Market insight.
  • Enhanced Trades – Four trades per month with analysis and Market insight.
  • Elite Sessions – Three weekly strategy sessions with weekly trades, tutorials, and mentorship.

Benzinga Stocks Inner Circle with Daily Trading & Education Chat Room, promoting Longer-Term Option Strategies to take advantage of the big gains that the Market offers – by Matt Maley.

Never Try to Trade Alone

You’ll find Benzinga’s market information, personal finance recommendations, daily Blog, and Premium Products will shine the light on your path to taking control of your financial future.  Some of the benefits are:

  • Benzinga is Specifically Made for the Individual Trader
  • A Great Place to Start Learning How the Market works and What You Need to Succeed
  • Gives You All the Tools to Chart Your Path to Independent Wealth Management
  • Follows My Sage Advice: Take Advantage of the Market – Don’t Depend on It
  • Trading Education and Expertise for the Beginner to Advanced Trader
  • Day Trading and Swing Trading with the Pros

Started by Jason Raznick in 2010 to fill a void for the individual trader, Benzinga has grown in that very important retail space by providing the right market intelligence and expertise to a worldwide audience.

What I created for The Diversified Trader is the preamble to what Benzinga does.

Cutting through the “noise” in the marketplace, Benzinga provides the individual trader with the best education and expertise available to reduce the never-ending search for the answer to your dreams of financial independence to a single, trusted source.

Benzinga supports the dedicated traders you’ll be working with that make all the methods in your Wealth Building Plan work.  These professional traders have spent years developing those methods into consistently winning programs and have been qualified by Benzinga, so you’ll know you’re dealing with the cream of the crop.

A theme I emphasize throughout The Diversified Trader website is that you’re the manager of your Wealth Building Plan and your money; the professional traders provide the expertise to make your Plan work.  That distinction cannot be overstated and is…

…the basis for your success in taking control of The Market to your advantage.

Based on my experience in the retail marketplace, I picked Benzinga primarily for their market expertise and mission to help people overcome the obstacles that the individual has in trying to trade successfully.   Benzinga understands the plight of the individual trader and the disadvantage retail traders have in The Market controlled by the institutional players.

Benzinga is dedicated to tilting the playing field in favor of the individual trader.

“Short-Term Trading for Long-Term Growth” and “Taking Advantage of the Market, Not Depending on It”, two of my objectives for your new trading mindset, is where Benzinga can be the engine to bring those concepts to life.  Their philosophy is very much aligned with those objectives and will serve you well in managing your Wealth Building Plan and achieving the financial goals you’ve always wanted.

You’ll gain the confidence that your goals are now truly within reach.

Benzinga is an integral part of the foundation you’ll be building to take control of your financial future.  Initially starting with Swing Trading Stocks, ETFs, and Options, expanding into other markets and methods becomes a natural progression in your development.  Day Trading these markets comes next and can be incorporated into your Wealth Building Plan to add that income and risk management tool so necessary to maintaining a smooth growth curve.

Benzinga Puts You on the Road To Success


Here’s to Great Partners,

Ted Bliss
Your Research & Development Coordinator


If you’re new to all this and want to get started on the right track and create your Wealth Building Plan, read Education – The Path to Independent Wealth Management, and then The Diversified Trader – An Overview to show you the path to get to where you want to go.

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