Your Trading Partners

Success is All About Who You Know – 

Your Trading Partners

The importance of Your Trading Partners can’t be overstated.  Their expertise in a specific area and the care they exhibit for their clients is critical to your success.  Whether you learn from them and branch out on your own or stay with them to manage your wealth, their impact on your financial well-being will last a lifetime.

The key is finding the Right Trading Partners for Your Wealth Building Plan.

Your Plan comes first.  Then, Your Trading Partners come into play to execute each piece of your Wealth  Building Plan.  All the Trading Partners you’ll be working with here are dedicated, independent extensions of The Diversified Trader and, with that connection, have your success embedded in their psyche.

Choosing the right Trading Partners for your education, training, and ongoing success is a top priority in fulfilling My Mission and is the focus of my overall evaluation process.

Determining what you want to do is part of your initial planning, and I’ve extended the process to include finding the right expertise for the Methods you’ve chosen to accomplish your goals.  In finding and establishing a relationship with specific Trading Partners, I’ve concentrated on getting the right mix to fulfill the needs of everybody’s various Wealth Building Plans, from generating Income to managing Growth to creating and building Wealth.  Having direct relationships with your trading partners, The Diversified Trader gives you the advantage of knowing you have the right “fit” to succeed within the framework I’ve created to give you the direction and support you need.


Your Secret Weapon

Knowing you have a group of dedicated trading and education partners to support your Wealth Building Plan gives you a huge advantage starting out and provides you with that all-important base to work from to achieve your goals.

The biggest obstacle I found in my quest to find the road to wealth building success was the marketplace filled with choices, with no evaluation mechanism for knowing what would actually work, much less fulfill my goals.  Too many people turn away from their goal of taking control of their financial future because finding the right path is so difficult.

There are so many different approaches and people offering solutions that it’s hard to know which way to turn.  I started The Diversified Trader to solve that problem and find you the best Trading Partners who excel in the strategies you’ll need to fulfill your Wealth Building Plan.

Another part of my mission, one you’ll see throughout The Diversified Trader, is to have you develop a new mindset about managing your wealth.  Take control of your wealth building process – don’t think you have to depend on the financial services industry or become a professional trader to have any success.

As an individual, you are at such a disadvantage to begin with that you need that connection to the marketplace your trading partners can provide.  They are the traders, and you should learn from them to be able to manage each piece of your Plan to the extent that you know where to put your emphasis in changing market conditions.  To paraphrase Michael Gerber’s1 sage advice:

Work ON your business of wealth building, not IN the business of wealth building.

It’s much more productive to manage the different parts of your Wealth Building Plan, working with your Trading Partners, than trying to figure out everything on your own and ending up only knowing one method that usually doesn’t work in all market conditions, or for very long, making you have to start the process all over again, wasting time and money.

Hence, The Diversified Trader came into being to cut through all the confusion and help you develop a new mindset and become an Independent Wealth Builder, well-diversified by Style and Method, and provide a platform where you can:

  • Control your trading and education services by having a defined universe of qualified Trading Partners specifically chosen for the needs of your Wealth Building Plan.  The individual culture of each Trading Partner and the compatibility of these experts to your objectives and abilities will greatly influence your success, and using different partners, where they fit into your Plan, will produce a synergy that will exponentially increase your productivity.
  • Concentrate on building wealth, not continually searching for that next magic program that will finally make your dreams come true.  I’ve found, after we’ve identified what works, staying within the network of our Trading Partners and learning how to manage your wealth in all its parts will get you the discipline you need to succeed.  With all the different approaches in the marketplace, there’s no way to know what fits into your plan or if any of them will produce the results you want.  Getting flooded with promotions will only distract you from your goal, causing the best laid plans to be derailed.  As an individual wealth builder, your focus should be on generating your own growth along a proven path.
  • Get continuing research and development to keep you current with your wealth building goals and ensure you have the right tools to make them all come true, with the control you need.
  • Evaluate your options before committing to your Wealth Building Plan and get answers to the many questions that surround taking control of your financial future.
  • Have confidence in your Wealth Building Plan and the Direction you need to take, knowing you have support here with The Diversified Trader and with Your Trading Partners to plan the next step in your wealth building journey.


Who to Know – Choosing the Right Trading Partners

Having well researched trading and education services at your fingertips gives you that all important starting point so necessary for long-term success.  Random selection has an incredibly low probability of success, so your planning process becomes critically important to finding the right path to successful wealth building.

Your Planning Stage comes first, along with getting to know the wealth building landscape, so you can choose the Direction you want to take before you look at the Trading Partners you want to work with to make the Methods you’ve chosen work.  Doing your planning the other way around (choosing your trading partners first) boxes you into someone else’s control over your financial future.  The Diversified Trader helps you create your Wealth Building Plan to shine the light on the path that’s right for you, which then gives you the structure to add the right trading and education services, so you have control over your financial destiny.

When you’ve established your Direction, you’ll find by the time you’ve completed the Getting Started phase and are executing your Plan, the choice of Trading Partners will be clear.  You’ll see where your starting point should be and the avenues that can develop from there.  The basic criteria I’ve used over the years to evaluate trading and education services involves the completeness of the service to create and manage a Method that works well with a specific goal within an overall Plan.  I wanted to make the Method fit your Plan and accomplish the original purpose you had for wanting to manage your financial well-being.

Style & Purpose

Your Trading Partners’ Systems are the catalyst that gets you from your planning stage to your ultimate goal.  In choosing your partners to make that happen, I’ve based most of the evaluation on my experience in the marketplace and look for the following qualities as an overall guide:

  • Good education offerings in their field of expertise.  You want to have a firm grasp of what Style and Method they’re using and the support to make it work.
  • The experience in the markets they trade and in their systems development to be at the top of their specialty.  You want to have people that truly have hands-on experience in the Style and Method being used.
  • Dedicated to their members, with the support and guidance needed for your success in the markets.
  • Having an “edge” in the markets and in their approach to trading.  The trading services I like the best adjust their systems to market conditions on a regular basis through analysis or Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, using either Programmed or Technical systems.
  • They all have compatible services to produce the synergy for a well-balanced wealth building plan.  No one service does it all, but when you combine the talents and market insight of different partners, the result can be very productive.


You are at the center of your Wealth Building Plan and its execution – use the right Trading Partners to connect the dots, and you will have control of your financial future.  Getting Started can’t happen soon enough.

Your Trading Partners
The Key to Success

Benzinga Logo
Best Market Research Platform with Education and Trading Programs for the Individual Trader


Asia Forex Mentor Logo
Leading Forex Education and Trading Platform


1000pip Builder Logo
Top Rated Forex Trading Alert Service


Use Your Trading Partners’ links above to see their detail pages right here on The Diversified Trader where you can start to fit what they do into your Wealth Building Plan.

Your Trading Partners logo.Whenever you see the oval image to the left throughout the website with a specific Trading Partner’s logo, I’ll be talking about Your Trading Partners that best fit the strategy I’m writing about in that section.  I’ll link you to the Partner page that will detail the specifics you’ll need to get started.

“Getting to Know You .”


To Seeing the Best in Everyone,

Ted Bliss
Your Research & Development Coordinator


1 The Diversified Trader doesn’t have any connection with Michael Gerber; I just like his philosophy in the entrepreneurial business development arena.  If you want to make Trading your business, you might want to read some of his work.